Finding Life
If you have big questions about life, I have been there.
Nearly 30 years ago, after searching for answers from pastors, family and Christian friends, I found myself one day at the beach desperate... and even contemplating doing drugs or taking my own life.
It was as low as I could get! As low as anyone can get.
Today, after a complete commitment to God on a critical decision that day at the beach, life is much different. It’s exciting, fulfilling and purposeful.
This is not about me, it’s about you…
Through my own struggles, I realized that most of us believe lies about ourselves and our futures, so we never live. We suffer and doubt, even though we believe in God and what Jesus did for us. We live settled-for-lives.
I changed my career 20 years ago from Finance to Professional Coaching, because I was tired of seeing people going through what I went through - believing lies and never living life as God planned.
Since then I have helped thousands of people change their lives in all key areas, such as: purpose, balance, spiritual, career, finances, business, relationships, ministry and health. I have trained hundreds of other coaches to help people get different results and change their lives. My intention is to not simply teach, train or even coach but to help people literally make changes in their thinking, actions and results.

If you must know…here are few more facts about me.
Child of God from age 6 and complete surrender at age 22
Husband to my wife Claudia for 21 years
Father to my beautiful daughter Ellie
Ordained Pastor for over 15 years
Board Certified Coach through Center for Credentialing and Education (certified in all areas)
Board Certified Coach through International Consortium of Health and Wellness Coaches
Professional Certified Coach through International Coaching Federation
Coached thousands of people in nearly every topic and area for growth/change
Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting with minor in Economics and Management