Just Say No!
I have been writing about lessons learned from a recent trial in which I was a juror. I learned many lessons from that difficult situation. To give more background, I was on a murder case where a man in his late 20's (already married with three kids) decided to find a girlfriend (who also had three kids), and together, they had a brand new baby. This man was playing the field, non-committal, and had kids all over.
Last week, I wrote about how men need to act as Godly men and do what is right, but this week's thought will be about what women can do. Women must be able to exercise their right to say "no" if someone in their life is using them, mistreating them, or trying to do things against God's will. If one or both of the women in this man's life had said "no" to this man's sinful desire to stay married yet have a girlfriend on the side and freeload, it could have possibly prevented a downward spiral.
"Don't be afraid to stand up and say, "no" to sin."
I am reminded of another experience I had a couple of years ago with a group of some of the most brilliant and accomplished Life Coaches in the world. Most of them were not Christian and some were pretty liberal. When one of the female coaches found out that I was a Christian, she separated herself from me. Then we ended up at the same table for dinner. At one point, in front of the others sitting with us, she bluntly commented that she believes in abortion, and her problem with Christians is that they do not support it. Then she asked what I thought about it. Talk about an awkward situation and uncomfortable silence. I quickly prayed and then God gave me the words.
I said, "I believe only God can create human life, and therefore it is not our right to take it away. I do not believe there are any "accidents" when it comes to human life." I also said, "When life is lived the right way, where a man and woman are married, stay married, and raise their kids, then there is no need for abortion. I went on to say that, "The bigger problem is usually men who are non-committal, sleeping around, and putting women in a tough situation." I said, "If men lived the way God wanted, most of these problems would go away." She and most of the table agreed, and also added that women could help as well to prevent negative cycles by saying "no" to living in ways that are not of God, even when the offer comes from a "prince charming."
Here are some essential questions for the week to answer and keep in front of you:
1) Are you fully committed to living the way God desires?
2) Are you able to say, "no" to the things you do not believe are correct?
3) What do you need to say "no" to right now that is a sin in your life or the life of someone close?
Prayer: "Dear Lord Jesus, You are the way, the truth, and the life. You are all things right, and this world is full of things not of you. Help me to know the difference and say "yes" to your best and "no" to everything else. I love you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen."
Scripture: Matthew 5:37