The Circus of Life

Have you ever been to a circus? I remember as a kid going several years to the Barnum and Bailey Three-Ring Circus. It would come to town and you could just feel the excitement in the air. It was well before the internet or cell phones. Most of the entertainment back then did not happen on a screen but in real life.

I remember walking into the huge tent to find our seats and being amazed at all the contraptions on the floor and in the air of the circus tent.

I also remember watching the animal trainers come out with their elephants and lions. I can remember the crazy clowns and what they would do to try and make kids laugh.

Of all the shows though, the trapeze artists would amaze me the most. They would fly through the air and at the perfect timing release one bar to grab onto another. It would leave me breathless at times wondering what was going to happen.

“Life can leave us breathless, wondering what is going to happen next.”

As a young boy, I wondered how the animal trainers, trapeze artists, and other performers could do what they were doing without fear of the outcome? Now I know the answer: First, they practiced a lot! They knew what they wanted to do, what they needed to do, and they did it over and over again. Second of all, there was back up. The animal trainer had a tranquilizer gun and the trapeze artists had nets. Finally, they were doing what they were made to do and loved it.

Similarly, we are called by God to live life without fear of the outcome. We have to know and believe that He is in control. We have to realize that He holds the tranquilizer gun, sets up the nets under us, and will never let us fall when we are following Him. We are to do what He asks us to do, with all our heart and without fear. We are to become excellent at the thing He calls our hands to do so that we can grow as He designed us to. We also must know and follow the purpose for which He has put us on this earth.

Here are some important questions for the week to answer and keep in front of you:

1) In what areas of your life do you feel like wild animals are around and you may need backup?

2) Where do you need to trust that God has a net under you so that you can let go of one bar to grab hold of another?

3) Do you do everything with confidence, knowing God is with you?

Prayer: “Dear God, sometimes life feels like a circus. Help me to only focus on you and what you call me to do. If I focus on anything else I will lose my way, my footing, and my confidence. You are my rock. Let me be fearless for you in all that I think, say, and do. Just as the ringmaster of a circus directs the events, let your Holy Spirit be the ringmaster of my life to direct me. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.”

Psalm 125:1, "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever."

Brian Williams