What To Do When the Waves of Life Hit Hard
Jet-skiing in rough waters
If you are like me, there have been many times in life when you have felt confused about what is the right way or best thing to do. It reminds me of when I was on vacation with my wife, Claudia, in Acapulco, Mexico. We stayed at a relative’s condo right on the beach. It was beautiful with blue water, crashing waves, and a vacation feel.
My wife and I decided it would be fun to rent a wave runner, which was a blast. The problem began when we tried returning to the shore. The place we were staying was the crux where the waters came to the shore and made for wicked waves crashing down. A small Mexican man bravely swam out to rescue us by getting on the back of the wave runner and driving the vehicle to shore. The problem was that his arms were too short of reaching around both Claudia and me to steer the watercraft. He then asked me a frightening question: “Senior, can you swim?” Unfortunately, I said yes, and that was the beginning of the end.
“Always know you have a life preserver on.”
The next thing I knew, I was off the wave runner, starting to swim to shore, and just behind me came a wave that looked 10 feet tall to me. It grabbed me, pushed me underwater, and tumbled me everywhere for what felt like forever. I gasped for breath but couldn’t get out. I could not tell up from down.
As I neared the shore, the riptide pulled me back, and then another wave sucked me in and threw me around. I finally made it out of that brutal ride, thanks to God and my life preserver.
“Sometimes, life feels just like these relentless waves that pull us under, push us around, and never seem to spit us out. You don’t know what to do, how to move, or where to get out.”
In these times, trust in God. He is your life preserver. He will not let you drown, and He will protect you. You will pop back up, although it feels like it may take forever. God will not only be your protector; He will bring you to safety and lead you on his path in due time. He will restore you, and you will be stronger and wiser.
Here are some essential questions for the week to answer and keep in front of you:
1) What are some waves you have faced in life?
2) How did God help you overcome them?
3) What rough waters are you facing now that you are trusting in God to see you through?
Prayer: “Dear Jesus, you are my everything. You watch over me through all the storms of life. Your disciples woke you in the boat while you were sleeping during a destructive storm. You calmed the wind and waves and then told them to have faith. I ask you to please calm the storms in my life. Increase my faith. I believe in you. I trust you, Lord, to help me through so that I may become more like you. Amen!”
Scripture: Deuteronomy 31:6
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If you want more wisdom as you grow into maturity in your faith, check out Coach Brian’s new book: Lifewise: How to Live by God’s Wisdom.