What's New?

What’s New?

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Here we are at the start of another new year. You have probably been through a few of these already in your life. The beginning of this new year will be different in some ways and the same in others! The difference is that it is the first time we have faced a worldwide pandemic. It has caused a more stressful, cautious, and curious world where we have had to alter nearly everything about our lives in 2020, including stocking up on toilet paper, wearing face masks, staying inside, and even avoid sporting events. For many of us, this pandemic has impacted people close to us. Pile on top of that riots, hurricanes, volcanoes, election drama, and a few other out of the norm events, and 2020 goes down as one to remember (or maybe to forget). These things are quite different than in most other years.

The familiarity of entering a new year is that you get to choose your path for it regardless of the challenges that lie ahead. Some of the same struggles may roll right into this new year, including the pandemic, unless God chooses to eradicate it immediately. Still, ultimately, you get to decide your attitude, your goals, and your focus. You get to determine how you will spend your time, whom you will build relationships with, and how close you want to walk with God.

“You get to choose what will be different in 2021!”

God has a big plan for you this year and the choice is up to you to live it out. God’s plan is probably bigger and different than you can imagine. It also requires you to be proactive by spending time with Him, learning and knowing the Word, and talking to him in prayer. God calls us to be responsible for our own thoughts, words, and actions. You have to choose to make this year a fantastic year of faith, regardless of what happens in the world, or you can be battered around by the storms of life like a ship stuck in a hurricane.

As you start the new year, you have a choice: you can choose to live based on faith or fear. Many things may cause stress in 2021 but what is important to understand is which of these things are in your control. When situations arise that are in your control, pray for God’s direction for responding to them in faith. For those out of your control, don’t waste your time by spending even one minute of your energy worrying. The choice is up to you for 2021: will you live by faith or fear, and will you focus only on the things God calls you to focus on?

Here are some important questions for the week to answer and keep in front of you:

1) What do you look forward to in 2021?

2) What are your fears about 2021?

3) How can you turn your fears over to God and live by faith?

Prayer: “Dear Jesus, You are the victorious One. Thank you for allowing me to live on this earth in 2021. You knew that this was the right time for me to be here and you have a perfect plan for all my days. Please help me to live by faith instead of fear. I realize that most things are out of my control so I trust you to take care of them. The few things that are in my control, such as my thoughts, actions, words, and even my attitude, I will use according to your truth. I will not fear, but instead, I will live in love as I follow you confidently because you are in control. Amen!”

Scripture: Revelation 21:5

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God Bless,

Pastor and Coach Brian Williams

© Brian Williams, 2020

Brian Williams