Merry Christ-Mas!
Nativity Scene
You may have unforgettable memories of Christmas or not so good ones depending on your upbringing and family situation. You may not have even celebrated Christmas at all. This year, I want to give you a different perspective, regardless of your history with this holiday.
As most people are familiar with, Christmas is the time to celebrate Jesus’ miraculous birth and God’s entrance into this world to save humanity. That alone should be cause for an endless celebration in your life if you are a Christian or child of God. If you notice, the common thread of the word Christmas and Christian is Christ. Because Christ came into the world to save it, we can become Christians (children of God to one day be with Him for eternity. The one other thing I want to point out this Christmas is the real impact of Christmas, and being a Christian is having more and more of Christ in our lives.
“Christ-mas means more of Christ.”
I will take the liberty to do something my wife does not like, combining two languages. She is Mexican and fluent in English and Spanish, while I am barely fluent in just English. There is also a term used for combining both languages called Spanglish. In this case, I am going to break down Christmas into two languages. The word “Christ” in English means “anointed one,” while “mas” in Spanish means “more.” The actual need in our life and the world today is that we need more and more of the anointed one.
Even during times of struggle in life and the world, Christmas’s proper focus should be celebrating that God gave us more of Him by sending His Son, the anointed one. The Christmas celebration then stems from the real purpose and focus for our lives, having more of the anointed changing us and leading us.
Here are some essential questions for the week to answer and keep in front of you:
1) What does Christmas mean to you?
2) How can you celebrate Christmas all year long?
3) How can you have more of the anointed one in your life each day?
Prayer: “Lord, Jesus, you are the anointed one. You are the answer to every struggle and hardship on this earth. Thank you for coming to this earth in the form of a baby then dying for me. I do not deserve it, so I can humbly accept your free gift of new life and ask for more and more of you in every area of my life. Your birthday changed the history of the world and our hope for eternity. Please help me to celebrate you and live for you every day of my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen!”
Scripture: John 1:14