How is Your Soul Doing?
Continuous Soul Monitor
In my full-time career, I help people with their health and wellness by leading teams of coaches and others in our organization. We specifically help people with type 2 diabetes. There is some fantastic technology that is well beyond what we had even ten years ago. Previously, a person had to continually stick their finger and draw blood to get their current glucose level (or blood sugar reading). But now, there are Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) that can measure glucose every five minutes and show people immediately how their eating and activity level impacts their glucose level. They can then make adjustments in their lives to get healthy.
If you think about this in terms of the spiritual world, the Holy Spirit within us is our continuous soul monitor. More often than every five minutes, the Holy Spirit knows our heart, soul, and mind and shows us how the very things we think and do impact our soul and our direction with God. The Holy Spirit not only shows us the impact of what we are doing in our lives but what to do instead.
“Monitors are only helpful if we pay attention to them.”
The other similarity between a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and our continual soul monitor, the Holy Spirit, is that there is a choice to pay attention to them or not. Interestingly, some people use the CGM very closely, make changes in their lives, and get healthy. Others do not. Some just watch it like a novelty but don’t use the feedback, and others never even put it on. This is the same with Christians; some heed and listen to the Holy Spirit while others may know He is there yet never really respond. Sadly, some ignore the Spirit’s promptings help altogether.
God is so amazing that he not only loves you, but He came and died for you and is with you every moment of every day. His love and dedication are more significant than you can imagine. To have Him in your heart and receive eternal life, you simply have to believe and accept His gift. To have everything He has in store for you in this life, it is your responsibility to tune in to hear Him, then follow. He will lead you along every path and show you His way, but He won’t force you to follow; He invites you. If you do listen and follow Him every day, the impact of your life on the world around you will be more significant and more incredible than you can imagine.
Here are some essential questions for the week to answer and keep in front of you:
1) How well are you tuned into God throughout each day?
2) What is God showing you?
3) Are you doing exactly what He leads you to do?
Prayer: “Lord, Jesus, you and you alone are God. You alone know what is happening in my heart, soul, and mind. You know what you designed me for exactly and what I should be thinking, saying, and doing. Help me tune in to you and help me be bold enough to do what you show me to do. You are my guide. Help me to know you, hear you, and follow you. I love you, Lord. Amen!”
Scripture: Psalm 139: 7-12