You're Not in Charge of the Result

In life, we generally know how we are doing by the results that we see. We make judgments in all areas, including our health, finances, relationships, career, etc. We not only make these judgments about ourselves but about others around us. These thoughts may be conscious or subconscious. It is easy to determine how we think people are performing or even obeying God based on what we currently see happening at any point in their lives.

Wrong decisions in life, such as always spending more than you make, eating more than your body can process, or cheating on your spouse, will lead to problematic outcomes (although we serve a Savior full of grace and forgiveness). On the other hand, what about when things don't go well even though you follow God and do what you are supposed to be doing? 

"Follow God, and the result is up to Him." 

There are many times in life that we as Christians can do things we feel He is leading us to do but the result is nowhere near what we thought or hoped it would be. An example is a conversation I had recently with someone I love, but the result was not what I would call "good."

I had prayed before having this conversation and trusted that God would work through it. To this point, it has not come out that way, but I still have to keep trusting in what the Lord led me to do. I do not know what the result will be but because I am acting by faith, I must trust that He will have the best outcome for His purpose – not always for mine.

To be clear, however, just because the result is up to God does not mean everything is out of your control. On the contrary, there are several things that we are very responsible for besides the result. These three fundamental things are our obedience, effort, and attitude. God gives us tremendous promises for our lives and eternity while asking us to follow Him in obedience. He cannot do what He desires in our life when we do not follow His plan. God also asks for our effort. He will not make us do anything, so it is up to us to follow God and put forth the effort and energy to do so. Finally, we must do things with the attitude of Christ, in love, and then trust in God's outcome.

Here are some essential questions for the week to answer and keep in front of you:

1) How well do you obey God in doing what He asks you to do when He asks you to do it? 

2) Do you put forth total effort in following God?

3) How is your attitude each day and in every situation? 


"Dear Jesus, Thank you for ensuring the results you desire as I obey you in my life. I pray that you would help me hear your voice, know your will, and trust in you for the outcome. Help me put forth all my human effort as fueled by your Holy Spirit, and I pray you'd help me do it with the same attitude you had when you walked this earth." ~ Amen 

Scriptures: Philippians 2:5