In my full-time career, I help people with their health and wellness by leading teams of coaches and others in our organization. We specifically help people with type 2 diabetes.
Read MoreHave you noticed that many people in this world make decisions differently than you would? Interestingly, I bet there are many decisions you make that others don’t agree with either. How could they not agree with you? You are wise, and apparently, they are not, or is it the other way around? Wisdom is not only the ability to know what is right but to act on that knowledge.
Read MoreYou might be surprised to hear that I'm a bit of an adrenaline junky.
Read MoreStrangely enough, this weekly thought is based on something I learned from observing fish.
Read MoreHave you heard the song “Do Something” written and performed by Christian artist, Matthew West?
Read MoreI know that some of us had the best dads in the world and love celebrating this day but others of us may dread it.
Read MoreIf you have heard of Gallup Strengths, you might know about how people have various talent themes in their lives.
Read More“As you surrender your life to God, remember that you are not in charge of the outcome...He is.
Read MoreAs a young child, you probably believed you could make a difference in the world. So did I. And then something happened.
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