This morning I got up very early, as usual, and went to my familiar spot to have a devotional time with God--- which usually consists of quoting scriptures (while stretching), praying, reading a few verses of the Bible, and journaling. My morning devotions keep my mind, spirit, and emotions in the right place and prepare me to start the day. It’s a good routine, but I always have to remember, it’s not about my actions; instead, it’s about my relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Read MoreGod’s greatest commandment for us is to love Him and to love others. We hear about love everywhere in our culture, including songs, advertisements, shows, and movies. People write all the time on social media that we should love more, and we even hear sermons on it every week in churches across the country. This one word is used excessively in our culture, but do we know what it actually means? Do we love the way God desires us to love?
Read MoreIt could be easy to think that once you become a Christian, things should go well and be better in life, but that is not always the case. We still live in a fallen world. Unfortunately, we could live a life completely faithful to God and still face trials, challenges, and disappointments.
Read MoreHave you ever been to a circus? I remember as a kid going several years to the Barnum and Bailey Three-Ring Circus. It would come to town and you could just feel the excitement in the air. It was well before the internet or cell phones. Most of the entertainment back then did not happen on a screen but in real life.
Read MoreIt seems these days that the most important thing in life, especially in America, is to be successful. Success can make you feel confident, popular, and even approved by others. However, the problem with success is that it can be based entirely on the wrong things.
Read MoreAt breakfast, I found myself sitting beside a retired Pastor and across from another man who was also retired. They were both in their late 60’s, lived very near each other, and had both grown up in Florida. Both men were followers of Christ, so you would think they would have had similar thoughts, beliefs, and faith. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Read MoreA few weeks ago, I wrote that my mom might soon go to heaven, and the morning of 1/12/21, this past Tuesday, she did. She put up a fight for over a month to keep going and stay with us, but it was ultimately her time to be with the Lord.
Read More“Sometimes, life feels just like these relentless waves that pull us under, push us around, and never seem to spit us out. You don’t know what to do, how to move, or where to get out.”
Read MoreHere we are at the start of another new year. You have probably been through a few of these already in your life. The beginning of this new year will be different in some ways and the same in others! The difference is that it is the first time we have faced a worldwide pandemic.
Read MoreYou may have unforgettable memories of Christmas or not so good ones depending on your upbringing and family situation. You may not have even celebrated Christmas at all. This year, I want to give you a different perspective, regardless of your history with this holiday.
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